– Powdered Food Price Comparison
Please note that from January 2016, the data below will no longer be updated.
Product 1 Meal 1 Day {{days|timeFltr}} Shipping Total
{{}} {{currency|symFltr}} {{price(item)|curFltr:currency:item.currency|number:2}} {{currency|symFltr}} {{price(item)*|curFltr:currency:item.currency|number:2}} {{currency|symFltr}} {{price(item)*day(item)*days|curFltr:currency:item.currency|number:2}} {{currency|symFltr:shipping(item):country}} {{shipping(item)|curFltr:currency:item.currency|number:2}}
{{currency|symFltr}} {{price(item)*day(item)*days+shipping(item)|curFltr:currency:item.currency|number:2}}
The aim of is to provide a comprehensive overview of powdered food products like Soylent and Joylent. It shows you what products can be shipped to your country, compares prices and estimates shipping costs. All prices are estimates and can differ from the actual order costs due to the high complexity of pricing schemes, shipping rates, volume discounts and due to price changes. There is no guarantee that the prices above are always correct and that the respective products and order sizes are available for purchase. If you find any mistakes or missing products, please contact me at